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Supporting open practice on process.arts. The aims of this SCORE Fellowship Project were to explore relationships between traditional arts practice and OER practice: Including use and reuse of OER, best processes and practices, OER communities, inter-college collaborations and the development of an open Arts-UKOER community of practice.

OER | OER arts resources | SCORE dissemination | Open practice | Copyright issues | OER reuse | Useful websites

A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER)

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This Guide comprises three sections (see attacched PDF).

Striking a balance between practice and open practice ?

Striking a balance between practice and open practice, what does it mean to operate in a digital environment? Chris Follows, University of the arts London 2011

OER (Open Educational resources) Reuse

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JISC OER Impact project - See My Notes The first UK study of OER reuse can be viewed in the findings of the JISC OER Impact project which

OER websites

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Open Educational Resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials and resources which have been made freely available on open web in repositories and website for use and re-use by others, OERs

Finding and using images in your teaching: class activities

Activity 1: Using Flickr to find Creative Commons licensed images (see full documents attached .docs)

Introduction, Innovative approaches in open educational practice at UAL

See video

A brief overview of current Innovative approaches in open educational practice at UAL by Chris Follows, university of the arts London (ALTO and SCORE).

Jorum L&T Competition Sand Casting videos short-listed

We are very pleased to announce the Sand casting Core experiment videos  have been short-listed as finalists in Jorum Teaching & Learning Competition (see videos on process.arts here

Practising Open Education

The Practising Open Education project (see

SCORE starter questions (Andy Lane)

Why do we need to be open and if so why a dedicated website and not on Flickr or Youtube?

P2PU and Baroque Art of Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands

See video

This group from P2PU studies Baroque art history of Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, this study group ex