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Below are all the posts on process.arts tagged DIAL, a project, partially funded by JISC Developing Digital Literacies Programme, is a two-year project (ending December 2013) at the university of Arts London, see DIAL blog.  The DIAL project set out with the key aim of exploring cultural change and improving graduate employability in the arts. For all DIAL related posts on process.arts also see DIAL 2011 - 2013 group the DIAL tag. and please see a full list of DIAL resources and activities.

Google Glass and Wearable tech at UAL

As part of the wearable technology project and collaboration with DIAL my role is as project coordinator, you can see my previous proj

OCWC Global 2014 DIAL presentation on

OCWC14 DIAL presentation on - DIAL – Developing digital literacies for Practice Based Massive Open Online C

Proposal for online identities freshers stall

This proposal was submitted by Filip Bigos, Community Developer for the LCC COPYourself community.

Interview with Karin Askham, Dean of Media at LCC.

See video

This interview was conducted with Karin Askham, Dean of Media at LCC, by COPYourself LCC Community Developer,

Online Identities - COPYourself Meeting #2

Online Identities - COPYourself Meeting #1

Notes from the first meeting of LCC COPYourself, taken from Filip's Blog, which you can see by c

CCW ON POINT notes from the third 'all group' meeting

Notes by Jheni Arboine;

Issues/ideas raised by ONPOINT meetings

CCW ON POINT notes from the second meeting

Notes by Jheni Arboine;     Notes of the meeting   This meeting had refreshments and this made a big d

How to post on process arts for 'Wearable Technology'

The follow guide tells you how to post on the process arts website, under the Wearable Technology in the Arts page:

CCW ON POINT, meeting one