Open practice stories
Dear process.arts
I'm currently writing up my SCORE fellowship final report due for completion by the end of this month (June 2012).
I was awarded a SCORE fellowship in July 2011 and have spent one or two days a week (not to forget the many evenings and weekends) supporting open educational practice mainly at UAL through process.arts. The fellowship has provided essential space and time to explore and support open educational practice within the UAL and the arts sector. As a result process.arts has grown and developed into a busy and exciting new space to support, discuss and practice 'open educational practice' and is now guaranteed a stable and sustainable future as it transitions into an official service, run and managed by UAL from September 2012. Read more.
For the SCORE report I would like to gather a wide cross section of stories from those who have visited and/or used and from those I have supported or met with over the past year.
I would really appreciate any feedback you can provide in terms of your experience and perceptions of 'open educational practice' OEP and how 'process.arts' or sites like this have/could support you and others in OEP.
Please add your comment on this process.arts post ( ) anything from a sentence upwards, or add a link to your own 'Open practice stories' feedback post if you'd like to provide more in depth feedback or include rich media. You can also email feedback, please indicate if you are happy for me to openly post your feedback anonymously or not online.
You can post under your own name (by logging into Process Arts, easier option, no need to create a new account just add your UAL username and password and your comments will post automatically and you can edit and update) or you can remain anonymous (reply to the post without logging in) there is added security questions and moderation and you will not be able to edit.
Login top right login with your UAL username and password, If your not a member of UAL then please create an process.arts account.
Many thanks
Chris Follows
Profile |
Mobile: 07703887845
Mobex 3447

This Work, Open practice stories , by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Here's an audio recording from the Brighton open practice conference in May 2012, its a good overview of my stories and perspectives of practicing and developing 'open educational practice' OEP at UAL -