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Online identities projects at UAL

Over the past three years the DIAL project have been working closely with staff and students exploring aspects of ‘

How We Work

A conversation between industry and education. Presentations by industry representatives and current students on the Graphic Communication Design Programme at Central Saint Ma

Exploring free & open education at University of the Arts London

University of the Arts London (UAL) has led the field in open education & digital literacies activities & projects in arts & design subjects over the past eight years, which have contri

New Measures of Creativity. [indepth] The Hub of Qualitative Thinking

Published in [indepth] The Hub of Qualitative Thinking by the Association for Qualitative Research, Autumn 2014.

Follow up information and images from the Camberwell learning studio event

We had a fantastic afternoon on Thursday 2nd November at the Camberwell College of Arts learning studio event exploring the theme of ‘Online Identities’.

Learning as arts practice, your a MOOC!

At the recent launch event for the new Tate Research Centre: Learning, the Director Tate Modern Chris Dercon comment

UAL Pilot: Creative Attributes Framework for Enterprise and Employability

Creative Attributes Framework explains how enterprise and employability learning forms a core part of the curriculum in arts, design and media degrees at University of the Arts London (UAL).

Programme 3rd International (Non)Western Fashion Conference 22-23 Nov 2014 Hong Kong

3rd International (Non) Western Fashion Conference

The Global Politics of Fashion

University of Hong Kong, HK

22-23 November 2014

Online learning at Camberwell Chelsea & Wimbledon Colleges of Art (CCW)

Whether we like it or not Google is arguably the first port of call for finding stuff on the web.

Camberwell Learning Studio Event 'Online Identities' (including Google Glass Demo): Call for participation

DIAL are planning a learning Studio event at Camberwell College of Arts - date TBC (11:30am to 2pm - D
