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POI course template | Programme 2013/14

POI course template | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Launch of the BBC Micro Bit computer and potential impacts on FE and HE arts education

The Micro Bit is a small a pocket-sized computer developed through an ambitious collaboration of tech and industry partners led by the BBC and is set to be given to all one million UK based Year 7

About UAL Changing the Learning Landscape Group

The Changing the Learning Landscape: Online identities group is a UAL CLTAD - 

Athanasios Velios | Creative open source applications at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Athanasios Velios | Creative open source applications | Research Fellow at CCW

Images from the event:

Sharon Peoples

Wrapped in cloth   Sharon Peoples The Australian National University, Australia

Arduino Yun and Websockets

I've spent the last two weeks or so trying to connect an Arduino Yun to a server using websockets.

Proposal for online identities freshers stall

This proposal was submitted by Filip Bigos, Community Developer for the LCC COPYourself community.

Creating a student led course/website for developing Creative Online Identities

Creating a student led course/website for developing Creative Online Identities

Free open licensed icons from Google

Free open licensed icons from Google Material Design work who aim to 'Create a visual language that synthesizes cl

Talking Textile Careers: BA Textile Design (CSM) Alumni Sian Zheng

Watch this video!

BA Textile Design Alumni (CSM) Sian Zheng answers year 2 students' questions about textile career directions in Print.

Project funded by SEE Curriculum Funding
