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Non-Western Fashion Conference Steering Group

We are pleased to announce that the members of the new steering group for the Non-Western Fashion Conference are:     * Jennifer Craik, P

Metropolitan Museum Provides Free Access to 400,000 high-resolution digital Images

Loads of free arts image here to be used in learning and teaching, look through the Metropolitan Museum 400,000 public domain wor

TDP Summary of Lothar Zhou

Watch this video!

Lothar Zhou video summary of teaching development plan unit.

Pinterest as an educational tool

Watch this video!

"Tales from the Elephant",  was created using Pinterest to present a collection of Journalism students work in a visually appealing and easy to use board.

Plants as Sensors: The Digital Practice Exchange at CCW

The ‘CCW Digital Makers Group’ at UAL’s Camberwell, Chelsea & Wimbledon (CCW) Colleges of art recently started a new initiative to help share practice across courses and colle

Talking about the Enterprising Graduate: Beyond the Degree Show

UAL staff were given a tour around CSM Degree Show Two


Please see logo's attached - UAL - CLTAD: DIAL and the process.arts logo

Call for submissions: MozEx art exhibit

MozEx is an art exhibition with a 21st-century twist.

DigiTell 2014; Exploring Online Presence in Creative Practice Publication

As part of the DigiTell 2014; Exploring Online Presence in Creative Practice, DIAL, part of CLTAD at UAL, has put together this publication, displaying the research and project that have lead up to

Summary, video and images from DIALOGUE 02 CCW Digital Enhancement staff development day

A great turn out at the DIALOGUE 02 event yesterday (22/04/2015), we saw a nice mix of academic, technical, research & central services staff from across all UAL colleges as well as student rep
