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Teaching Stop Motion Animation In-class

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Video describing my intervention for the Teaching Development Project of my PG Cert.

Bartlett Year 1 Architecture Diary

Bartlett Year 1 Architecture Diary  Blog for Year 1 Students at the Bartlett School of Architecture -

Madonna and Child

One night my brother and I came home to find many paintings my niece had made lying on the kitchen table.


Spaghetti, paper and coat hanger towers

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3D Studio Crit following a short group collaboration construction project, students were asked to work in groups and build a tower to specification using materials such as spaghetti, paper and coat

Professional Online Identities – Joint Pilot Project (Learn-IT, CLTAD, DIAL, SEE)

Learn-IT, CLTAD, DIAL and SEE are developing a joint proposal for a pilot project addressing Professional Online Identities aimed at UAL students and staff. The draft proposal is below -&

Drupal UAL project update

The project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal ‘open sourc

4 categories of open educational practice

How can we bring about changes in belief and attitude? 

Will the introduction of a framework for drafting a pattern from an existing garment, help to improve student understanding of constructing an original garment from a drawing?

Watch this video!

Overall the students all seemed to gain something from the intervention, whether increased confidence or actual abilities, it seemed to help with their understanding of how to construct a garment f

Summary of Process Arts Forum

DIAL project: Digital Information Literacy Group

Analysis of discuss with Library Staff

Defining the "Open" in Open Content

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The Open Content website -
