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Presenting confidently to camera by Alison James

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Alison James' talk about presenting confidently to camera, part of video presentation skills workshop. A collaboration between LCF, D

Image*After is a large online free photo collection

Image*After is a large online free photo collection. You can download and use any image or texture from our site and use it in your own work, either personal or commercial.

Victoria Beaton 2006 on foundation before starting her technical Arts BA

Watch this video!

Video interview of Victoria Beaton at WCA foundation 2006...

Improving dissertation supervision using Action Learning sets

Watch this video!

Teaching Development Project report for Adrian Crookes February 2013

Issuu is a free service that makes your publications look fantastic online

See video

Long term sustainability is an important consideration in todays world.

Only 7 days till the Paris Colloquia on 4th and 5th October...

Our next Colloquia is at the Institut Francais de la Mode in Paris  on the 4th and 5th of October.

Robbie Pacquett Technical Arts and special effects

Watch this video!

Robbie Pacquett talking about his degree show at Wimbledon College of Arts 2009, Student interviewer Jack Hughes-Jones.

Taking Care of Business? The political economy of MOOCs and Open Education

I rashly promised to write an article with this title a fe

OER13 conference, Call for abstracts closes 31st Oct

OER13 26-27 March 2013 in Nottingham -

Why Do You Do Fashion?
