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33 - Wood stained sphere

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Several wood stains applied to a turned softwood sphere.

The single application of each stain reveals the different effects produced on side and end grain.

What factors contribute to the success/failure of institutional repositories in art colleges

These are two questions I answered (draft form) as part of Marta Bustillo first round of the Delphi study on institutional repositories in art colleges, or in art departments within larger institut

Current issues and approaches in developing digital literacy (DIAL presentation)

Watch this video!

DIAL presentation of JISC webinar, four DL projects discussed what digital literacies are and why it is important for universities and colleges to develop the digital literacies of their students a

Bring Your Own Environment BYOE

People like to do things their own way and when it comes to being online the same can apply.

Inside Outside. Sustainable Printmaking Project.

This sustainable printmaking project 

Addressing the problem of being caught in knowing rather than being

See video

A short account of a Teaching Development Project that attempts to address the problems that 3rd year students have returning to making when they are writing and researching for their dissertations

Llion W Jones Part 1

Watch this video!

Part 1 of Wimbledon Technical Arts student Llion W Jones talking about his final degree show piece for his show in 2009


SKETCH – Function and Expression in Urban Landscape Drawing

Sketches are graphic notations and as such comply with certain typologies depending on the type of information you want to translate, and the system of procedures used in the translation.

VDB - Video Data Bank

thumb image - Founded in 1976 at the inception of the media arts movement, the Video Data Bank (VDB) is a leading resource in the United States for video b

ALTO Filestore User Guide

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The user guide is now available from this link
