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studio process

UAL Debates in Enterprise and Sustainability

This debate series will explore what kinds of future await graduates and how we can contribute to creating a more sustainable future.

Tradition Fashion Interplay: An Imperative for Identity and Continuity

Shalini Sud and Dr Sibichan Mathew

DRUPALCON 2012, an approach to performance problems in Drupal



Here's a few solutions when dealing with performance issues.

DIAL online presentation skills resources

Please see the great resources being developed for the DIAL project which can support making of learning videos - the objective for the DIAL

Tessa Sheridan: Teaching Development Project

See video

Tess Sheridan talks about a Teaching Development Project carried out as part of CLTAD's CPD Framework.

Professional Identities Workshop #legoseriousplay

Reflections on the First Workshop on Professional Identites.

All The World's A Stage...and one online tutor plays many parts

See video

Pecha-Kucha-style presentation at ALT-C 2012.

The Complementary Roles of Course and Support in Student Development

This is a brief description of the workshop devised by Andrew Chesher (Senior Lecturer, BA Fine Art) and Philip Courtenay (Academic Advisor) at Chelsea College of Art and Design, which was delivere

Stopping spam bots account requests Honeypot

See video

I had a problem with stopping spam bot account requests, hundreds weekly - I had removed comment or account requests from the sites but still got loads of spam. I had installed
