This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
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Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)

Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) Free Image sharing site, a place to find images.

A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER)

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This Guide comprises three sections (see attacched PDF).

Xpert Attribution tool

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This is a brilliant creative commons media search, the returned results are all embed with the Creative commons attribution information in the found content so reducing the amount of time taken to

Building digital capacity for the arts: Rights and IP

See video

Video for arts organisations and artists from across England who want to learn from and share experiences about the use, exploitation and development of rights models around new and archive materia

SCORE presentation video recording 31-05-12

Watch this video!

SCORE presentation recording 31 May 2012, in this video I talk about my SCORE fellowship project I've been working on over the past year, text notes and info-graphics used in the presentation a

Open participatory education process.arts workshop

In this workshop Chris Follows will lead a hands on demonstration/discussion of UALs (University of the arts London) perspectives of developing open participatory education and social media content

David Wiley: What is Open Education?

See video

Dr. David Wiley is Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University.

Case study: open educational practice & Intellectual property

Feedback from focus groups and from general discussions shows a great deal of confusion and lack of general clarity and understanding as the main IPR problems for staff.

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Gaming and open educational practice

Facbook conversation (edited) between myself and Corrado Morgana about gaming and open education: