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What factors contribute to the success/failure of institutional repositories in art colleges

These are two questions I answered (draft form) as part of Marta Bustillo first round of the Delphi study on institutional repositories in art colleges, or in art departments within larger institut

Exploring OER rich media reuse through social media content communities (HEA Annual Conference 2012)

This video can be viewed and downloaded (see CC license below) by clicking

Flash meeting

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Flashmeeting is an academic research project aimed at understanding the nature of online events and helping users to meet and work more effectively.

Unit Title: Open Educational Practice

The ultimate aim of this project is to develop a new 10 credit Open Academic Practice unit in UAL’s Continuing Professional Development Framework (CPDF).  The CPDF is a modular programme

SCORE presentation notes 31/05/12

Theme: Exploring collaborative use and re-use of OER rich media resources in art & design

Core materials OER

The core.materials project has been funded by the JISC and HEAcademy

Open practice Stories Further Education perspectives

Open practice Stories Further Education perspectives

Practising Open Education

The Practising Open Education project (see

Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact - Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education

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Cambridge 2012 will combine OER12 and the OCW Consortium’s Global Conference. We will meet at the historic Queens College in Cambridge, UK, from 16-18 April 2012.

Flipping the Classroom Requires More Than Video

See video

The term “flipped classroom” is most attributed to two chemistry teachers from Colorado, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, who pioneered the use of screencasting and video podcasting in