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Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro Getting Started

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P r e p a r in g t o E d it

ubu offers a platform to explore interesting film and video content.

Ubu is brilliant - providing umlimited material of featured resources, contemporary projects, artists interviews, a hugh film and video archive, video artist, experimental film makers, sound art, h

Video Copilot tutorials for VFX & Motion Graphics

See video


Amazing effects, filming techniques and more is available from: Final Cut & After Effects tutorials

See video

Final Cut Pro - Getting Started

See video

If you're importing video plug in your fire wire cable into the camera and computer using the 4 pin (small into camera) and 6 pin (big into computer) USB fire wire cable.

What Is Animation?

The best way to get Final Cut project sequence on a DVD using Compressor and DVD Studio Pro Software.

The best way to get Final Cut project sequence on a DVD using Compressor and DVD Studio Pro Software.

Ken Stone's Final Cut Pro website offers trouble shooting, managing and experimenting tutorials

This site features: editing, effects, audio, DVD Compressor, HD, HDV, 24P, motion, colour, article archive, tutorial reviews, software plugin reviews, hardware reviews, and discussions.

Video and Visual Effects Blogs

Video, visual effects and animation blogs and websites

Motion Graphics blog with links