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Research & practice

Authenticity, accountability and data privacy

This was originally posted in the CSM Digital Present Blog

UAL Archives and Special Collections Online Catalogue

The archives and special collections of the University of the Arts London are composed of a rich and varied range of materials, some unique or rare, and examples

Tech Resources pro-formas for Chelsea College of Art

Chelsea College of Art staff please complete a pro-forma for each digital resource you require tech sessions for, (so we can get these agreed with the relevant specialist tech).

What is a digital Steward

Some ideas for the stewarding role (specifically in relation to creative sector communicating/sharing its resources and learning and teaching with

Process.arts functionality requirements for an open practice platform

Below is a basic list of process.arts existing core functionality and additional functionality identified through site use for future development.

EGOER and open practice identities

Draft paper for OER13 EGOER and open practice identities: In this pre

Things Unlimited at the Library Services Conference 2012

Watch this video!

University Projects DIAL and Process Arts Jess Crilly talks about the Things Unlimited Inf

2nd Keynote speakers My digital life. Day 2

See video

The ‘My Digital Life’ project aims to give a voice to UAL students who are engaging with technologies in innovative ways.

What is a MOOC?

See video

Written and Narrated by Dave Cormier
Video by Neal Gillis

Researchers: Dave Cormier, Alexander McAuley,  George Siemens, Bonnie Stewart

OER13 conference, Call for abstracts closes 31st Oct

OER13 26-27 March 2013 in Nottingham -