This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

inspiration for 'CREATE'

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A strong inspiration for my communication of the concept 'CREATE' was the effect that sodium acetate has when it touches water.

Final Cut Pro Getting Started

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P r e p a r in g t o E d it

NEW process.arts - upgrade under development

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Here's a quick peek at the direction the new layout (rough designs) of process.arts is taking, the ALTO project is funding a timely and much needed upgrade of process.arts which is currently underw

Creating an all over Pattern.

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This is the 3rd of a series of tutorials which described the processes involved when creating an all over pattern using a pink flower.

16 - Copper dome

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Although using the simplest of tools, this is a complex and time consuming process.

A New Process.Arts logo /*/*/ A Possible Collaborative Online Work ? /*/*/

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# ALTO-COMP : Something being past around

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Peeks of what has been put in and sent back to me.

WCA Foundation Video & Animation FMP

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This is the first time I've introduced a group blog to support teaching, learning and assessment at Wimbledon College of Foundation

Foundation 3D Wiki

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A Blog developed byDavid Fusco  -

05 - Acrylic Sphere

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Some objects can be best achieved with a visit to the shops.
