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It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

Drupal UAL contacts/mailing list

UAL are forming a drupal UAL (open source web development) community, if you would like to be involved please leave your details and your brief background history

The Mark of the Beast: Branding the Cinematic Body


Watch this video!

A virtiual tour of the unique and charming qualities of UAL.

Periodic Table

See video

Devised by Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev, the Periodic Table was formed in 1869. As of 2010 there are 118 chemical elements in the Periodic table.

PHOTOGRAPHY FUTURES - A UAL Community of Practice


DRUPALCON 2012, the state of Drupal and Academia

From an informal discussion group today emerged the need for cohesion among departments, universities and the various individuals using Drupal.

Considering non-virtual elements of Open Education Practice

An extended post on the concept of Open Educational Practice and the key issues in the creation and reuse of Open Educational Resources

Authenticity, accountability and data privacy

This was originally posted in the CSM Digital Present Blog

TDP - Sound Design on BA Media Practice

See video

Klaus Fried's BA Media Practice students share their experience of his Teaching Development Project.
