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"Open Educational Resources 'OERs' are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge." Hewlett Foundation
Copyright issues | OER reuse | Open & Flexible Learning | SCORE | Open practice | MOOC


CPD4HE is part of the JISC/HEA Open Educational Resources programme, which aims to make high quality educational resources freely available, easily discovered online and routinely re-used

Crowd and cloud: towards a collaborative future

The Designs on e-Learning (DeL) conference (Crowd and cloud: towards a collaborative future, 5 – 7 September 2012) leads and f

Own-it - intellectual property (IP) advice

Own-it offers intellectual property (IP) advice , information and learning resources for the creative sector.

Flipping the Classroom Requires More Than Video

See video

The term “flipped classroom” is most attributed to two chemistry teachers from Colorado, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, who pioneered the use of screencasting and video podcasting in

Audio recording Cambridge 2012 process.arts case study

Watch this video!

Open educational social media content groups and networks within the arts, design & media education - see post used during presentation

Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities (full recording of panel session)

Open educational social media content groups and networks within the arts, design & media education

This case study presentation explores the creative and educational potential, challenge

Analytics & Visitors Overview - Mar to Apr 2012

process.arts Analyti

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Open Education at UAL - DIAL Project Groups

The Open Education at UAL is a UAL Project Group part of the work of two UAL projects DIAL and AL