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Below are all the posts on process.arts tagged DIAL, a project, partially funded by JISC Developing Digital Literacies Programme, is a two-year project (ending December 2013) at the university of Arts London, see DIAL blog.  The DIAL project set out with the key aim of exploring cultural change and improving graduate employability in the arts. For all DIAL related posts on process.arts also see DIAL 2011 - 2013 group the DIAL tag. and please see a full list of DIAL resources and activities.

Professional Online Identities Lego Serious Play Eimear feedback

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In this video Eimear a student at CSM reflects on her experience in taking part in the Lego Serious Play wo

POI Programme - Feedback on understanding good practice for improving Social visibility

Understanding good practice for improving Social visibility     


Defining Digital literacies focus group at LCF

The 3rd UAL Defining Digital literacies focus group took place at LCF on 5/6/13 DIAL were invited to deliver this as part of their Digital Champions Meeting.

Drupal UAL team and developers

Please see below team members and developers: 

UAL badges first meeting

DIAL applied and received a small amount of funding to explore badges designs, following our first meeting there seems to be great potential for badges especially with potential use with SEE f

Video Presentation Skills - About the workshop

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE.

Video Presentation Skills - Workshop results

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to deve

Video Presentation Skills - Tips about Filming

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE.

Video Presentation Skills - Technical difficulties

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to dev

Video Presentation Skills - Improvements

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to dev