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Below are all the posts on process.arts tagged DIAL, a project, partially funded by JISC Developing Digital Literacies Programme, is a two-year project (ending December 2013) at the university of Arts London, see DIAL blog.  The DIAL project set out with the key aim of exploring cultural change and improving graduate employability in the arts. For all DIAL related posts on process.arts also see DIAL 2011 - 2013 group the DIAL tag. and please see a full list of DIAL resources and activities.

8 Best Apps for Team Collaboration

As more and more apps utilize the cloud's file-storing and -sharing capabilities, remote team collaboration becomes even easier.

DIAL Coordinator Job Description

Please see attached full Job Description for the DIAL Coordinator, DIAL employed two coordinators 2.5 days a week for 6 months, please feel free to copy and appropriate these Job Descriptions in yo

Networked groups and cross college collaboration

DIAL successfully explored new ways of developing cross college collaborations, these new partnerships proved a valuable and sustainable method of the departmental embedding DLs long term. 

Tools and Equipment to support digital practice - IT issues

The university has undergone an incredible amount of change over the past two years in terms of digital tools and environment, including the

Six UAL colleges and six differing approaches to digital literacies

In terms of DIAL college wide engagement CSM (POI project – BA Performance Des

Web coding with Freeformers at LCC

DIAL and SEE met with and looked at possible collaborations

WCA staff development day DIAL presentation

Please see slides from the WCA staff development day DIAL presentation, about 20 academic staff, the session was followed by many interesting questions, including will DIAL continue and how ca

Digital DIALogue Student Champion & online steward for UAL

We are delighted to announce that UAL DIAL expression of interest for the @HEAcademy Changing the Learning Landscape <workshop> project funding has been selected to proceed, updates

DIAL at APT 2013

Conference presentation APT 2013

Professional Online Identities Lego Serious Play Isobel feedback

Watch this video!

In this video Isobel a student at CSM reflects on her experience in taking part in the Lego Serious Pl