This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

How do I upload content onto process.arts

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Image 1 -  Click 'Login' located in the top right hand corner

OER websites

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Open Educational Resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials and resources which have been made freely available on open web in repositories and website for use and re-use by others, OERs

How to Book a Meeting Room

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Meeting room bookings are made through the University's email within Outlook Calendaring/Scheduling Assistant.

Useful contacts & links for making stuff (workshop)

Hand Tools, Tools , Machinery For wood , metals and plast

My studio & first portrait

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Studio and details slides: I started a portrait, first portrait I've painted and first time I've painted with a brush for a while although been using my fingers, painting k

John Casey ALTO Manchester OER11, Manchester

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Lecture slides - The ALTO Project:  Linking OERs to Professional Development and Knowledge Management activities.

3. Stretching your Canvas - STRETCHER MAKING WORKSHEET part 3

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3. Stretching your Canvas

You will need:
Staple guns and staples

24 - Egg box sphere

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Egg boxes have long been made form re-cycled material and here they are re-cycled again, using two of the many colours available.

Day 1/week - Drawing week - Constructing an imagined world

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Constructing an imagined world/ Week 1

Day 1 - Drawing week - Wimbledon Foundation course 2010/11

Day 2/week1 - Drawing week - Constructing an imagined world

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Day 2/Week 1 - Constructing an imagined world

Day 2 - Drawing week - Wimbledon Foundation course 2010/11
