This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
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CLL communities

Online Communities: The community developers all created online communities (facebook groups, twitter, process.arts and blogs) to reflect the finding of their community group,

Exploring the links between Arts and Business: insights for creative-based education

Presentation delivered by Prof Giovanni Schiuma as part of the CCW series 'The Expanded Designer: Education'.

Developing Enterprise Skills in Art and Design HE: Case Study

Graduates need the skills, capabilities and attributes to enable them to be successful in an ever changing global economic environment.

Talking Tours: Enterprise and Employability at CSM

See video

Talking Tours were a pilot series of tours around some of the exhibiting courses at the second degree show at Central Saint Martins in June 2014.

Day 4: International Digital Collaboration & Co-Produced Interactive Installation - CCW & Cyland MediaArtLab

International Digital Collaboration & Co-Produced Interactive Installation - CCW & Cyland MediaArtLab Chelsea Colleg

20:20 project funding evaluation

For the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' online identities project successful applied for additional funding from arts temps

From MOOC to Personal Learning

The cMOOC, is based on connection rather than content, looks more like an online community than a course, and doesn’t have a defined curriculum or formal assignments.

Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace #week2

The highlight of Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace #week2 was the informal meet-up ith the 3D Printing and Digital Fabr

CCW Digital Maker Collective and the Tate Exchange

It was a fantastic launch party last night at the new Tate Modern, there’s clearly a great sense of excitement and new beginnings in how we participate and experience the arts.  

New website NWFC

Check out our new website on
