This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
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The video remix space

The ‘video remix space’ (VRS) explores the creative and educational potential, challenges, limitations and benefits of repurposing open online video content.

Stanley Kubrick archive visit

I visited the Stanley Kubrick archive today as part of the NAM web project we're working on, also had my

Creating guidelines for learning videos

On 24th May 2012 the first of a series of studies took part at London College of Fashion for a fellowship project studying the impact of online learning videos.

Project plan process.arts as a service

Process.arts, a grass roots web2.0 open educational environment for sharing day-to-day arts practice and research of staff and students, currently provides a new ‘open learning’ space t

Inside Out: Linking OERs to professional development and knowledge management activities

The ALTO team are presenting two papers at the Manchester OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 2011 conference.

SCORE Fellowship Output - April 2012

This template is intended to capture all activity you’ve undertaken in the course of your Fellowship project to engage with the rest of the HE/FE community.  The information will be used

SCORE Fellowship Programme Interim Formative Evaluation Report

SCORE Project & Theme: Exploring collaborative use and re-use of OER rich media resources in art & design

Fellow: Chris Follows   

SCORE on process.arts

SCORE fellows on process.arts.

OpenEducation special interest group

OpenEducation is a special interest group of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) h