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Below are all the posts on process.arts tagged DIAL, a project, partially funded by JISC Developing Digital Literacies Programme, is a two-year project (ending December 2013) at the university of Arts London, see DIAL blog.  The DIAL project set out with the key aim of exploring cultural change and improving graduate employability in the arts. For all DIAL related posts on process.arts also see DIAL 2011 - 2013 group the DIAL tag. and please see a full list of DIAL resources and activities.

NUS a new charter on Technology in Higher Education

NUS has produced a new charter on Technology in Higher Education.

HEA conference 2012 OER social media content communities within the arts, design & media

Watch this video!

Two SCORE fellows discuss OER use of social 4750 reads

Project plan process.arts as a service

Process.arts, a grass roots web2.0 open educational environment for sharing day-to-day arts practice and research of staff and students, currently provides a new ‘open learning’ space t

Creating guidelines for learning videos

On 24th May 2012 the first of a series of studies took part at London College of Fashion for a fellowship project studying the impact of online learning videos.

ARLIS annual conference DIAL slides

Slide presentation, the DIAL project Digital Integration into Arts Learning University of the Arts London.

Which university online service do you use?

How process.arts fits into UAL or how do UAL services fit into process.arts?

4 categories of open educational practice

How can we bring about changes in belief and attitude? 

Case study: OEP & process.arts at UAL

See video

In this video Chris Follows from leads a 60 minute presentation and group discussion on UALs (University of the arts London) perspectives of developing open participatory education and so

Case study Pt2: OEP & process.arts at UAL

Watch this video!

Part 2 of a 60 minute presentation (see part 1) by Chris Follows who leads a presentation followed by discussion o

Case study Pt1: OEP & process.arts at UAL

Watch this video!

Part 1 of a 60 minute presentation by Chris Follows (see part 2) who leads a presentation followed by discussion o